How Do I Get Microsoft Word

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How Do I Get A Microsoft Word File Into SpecsIntact?

Converting a Word document (ASCII) into SpecsIntact is a very time consuming process as you will see in the instructions that follows below.

There are two ways to convert a non-SpecsIntact Section into SpecsIntact.

Method 1- Novice Users



2.Select the Job

3.From the SI Explorer's File Menu, selectAdd Sections, choose the Templates Tab

4.Select the appropriate CSI MasterFormat Edition 1995 or 2004

5.In the Enter Section Number field, type the appropriate Section Number

6.If you selected 1995, simply type the appropriate Section Number

7.If you selected2004, choose the appropriate level as shown below:

For more information on Section Numbers see Numbering Rules found in SpecsIntact's Help File.

8.From the'Choose Section Template:'box

9.Select theUFGSmstr

10.SelectAdd Template

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Once the Template has been added. open it in SpecsIntact and resize the window to where it is on one half of your screen.

Then open the Word File and resize the window to the other half of the screen so they are side by side.

Simply copy and paste from the Word file into the SpecsIntact Section.

Method 2 - Experienced User(s)

1.OpenWindows Explorer

2.Create a New Folder on your local drive (C: or D:) and name it SI Work

3.Open the Microsoft Word Document

4.SelectFile | Save As

5.In the Save In field, selectLocal Disk (C: or D:)

6.Browse and select the SI Work folder

7.In the Save As Type drop down field, selectText Only (*.txt)

8.In the File Name field, change the .txt to .sec (Example: 02 32 10.txt to 02 32 10.sec - you'll need to give this a Section Number)

9.Select the Save Button

10.OpenWindows Explorer, browse to the SI Work Folder

11.Double-Click on the file 02 32 10.sec to open in the SI Editor

12.When the File Not In SpecsIntact Format box appears, selectSI Section File


  1. When the file opens in the SI Editor, the only tag that is present is the <SEC> and </SEC> tags.

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In the SI Editor you should do the following:

1.From the SI Editor, selectView | Tags or select the Show/Hide Tags button

2.SelectView | Marks or select the Toggle Marks View button

3.Place cursor on the right side of the <SEC> tag, selectInsert | Tags or select the F4 Key

4.From the Insert Tag dialog box, type 'M' until Meta Data appears


6.Place the cursor on the right side of the <MTA/> tag and selectAttributes

7.ChooseNew Submittal Descriptions

Now you are ready to apply all the tagging! The best way to begin is to separate PART 1, PART 2 and PART 3. Then work on tagging everything within PART 1 until it is done. When saving the section the following dialog will appear:

Does skyrim remastered ps4 have mods. It is recommended you select 'No' until you have completely tagged the entire Section, then if the 'Validation Error' dialog box appears, at this time, select 'Yes' and correct any remaining issues.

8.Continue taggingPART 2 then last PART 3

The Section is now ready to be put into SpecsIntact. It is recommended you add the Section to a Local Master (see SpecsIntact Help for more information) for future use.

To Add The Section(s) to your Local Master or Job:

1.From the SI Explorer, selectFile | Add Sections, or right-click on the Job or Master and selectAdd Sections

2.Select the Browse Tab, browse to the SI Work Folder

3.Select the Section and chooseAdd Sections Summer sunshine barbie.


Regardless of the option you choose, here are some suggestions that you will need to follow once the section is in SpecsIntact.


        • PART 1 GENERAL

        • PART 2 PRODUCTS

        • PART 3 EXECUTION

1.Print a short section from the SI Editor with tags showing in order to use as a reference for inserting specific tags.

2.Do Not forget to remove the words End of Section, instead use the <&END/> tag preceded by five spaces (i.g. </SPT =3.5></PRT>...<&END?>

3.Every element within the Section must be tagged such as subparts, text, items, list, formatted tables, Metric, English and notes.

4.Reference Article Formatting:

5.Check Reference Article Formatting. Use the Reference Wizard to re-insert the References since the tagging will be inserted as well.

6.Reference Organization Names, Reference IDs and titles will need to be verified and updated.

7.If a Reference is used in the Reference Article, it must also be used outside the Reference Article in the Section Text

8.Submittal Article Formatting:

9.Must be re-formatted to meet the Unified Submittal Formatting.

10.Submittal Descriptions (SD Numbers and Titles) will have to be updated to recognize the Unified Submittal formatting. Refer to the Submittal Procedures Section and/or Help

11.Submittal Items must be inserted and tagged elsewhere in the Section, outside of the Submittal Article

12.Verify the a., b. c and 1., 2., 3 lists are formatted correctly in accordance with UFC 1-300-02, Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS) Format Standard

13.If Tables were in the document, refer to the Online Help's Import Excel XML Spreadsheet

14.Check for tagging and formatting errors by select the Validation Button or by saving the file. Correct any errors that appear in the Validation Log.

Make sure 'ALL' text is tagged!