Ping Console

A continuous ping will cause buffer overflow at the target system and will cause the target system to crash. W e often use the CMD command “Ping” to mostly check if a server or a gateway is up. SEGA MEGA DRIVE 2 CONSOLE BUILT IN GAMES SONIC PING PONG OLD GAMES UK US. Extremely Rare Sampo Paddle Controller I My For Home Pong Tv Console. Atari Flashback Blast Vol.3 PONG Classic Retro Video Game Console 20 Games. Have a registration code? © Copyright 2021 Ping Identity. All rights reserved. Note: It can give beep only from terminal number 1 through 7 and gnome-terminal ( It will not work in console ). Find out the IP address. You can identify the ip-address using the host name as shown below. $ ping -c 1 PING ( 56(84) bytes of data. 64 bytes from (74.125.67.

Find matches faster or reduce lag!

If you’re getting placed into matchmaking games in CS:GO that feel laggy to you or are giving you high ping, it might be worth setting up a command to limit the max ping of servers you’ll join. The mm_dedicated_search_maxping command will only search for matchmaking servers with latencies lower than you specify.

In order you use console commands, you'll need to have the developer console enabled. If you don't have it enabled, check out our developer console guide here which will take you through the steps. After enabling the developer console, hitting the ` (grave) or ~ (tilde) key will open it up.

The syntax for the max matchmaking ping command is as follows:

mm_dedicated_search_maxping PING_HERE

All you need to do is replace PING HERE with your desired maximum ping for matchmaking. This command would only search for servers that you have a ping lower than 60 for:

mm_dedicated_search_maxping 60Copy

You can change 60 to whatever value you'd like, but remember that the lower the ping number, the longer it will take for you to find a game. This is because there will be a smaller selection of servers you can queue for. If you find yourself waiting a long time to find a competitive game, we recommend raising the max ping value to something higher, like 110. You can do that with this command:

mm_dedicated_search_maxping 110Copy

We hope this guide was useful! Find more commands on our commands list, and more guides here.



This document illustrates how to use the extended ping and extended traceroute commands. Standard ping and traceroute commands are covered extensively in these documents:



Ping console networking

This document requires an understanding of the ping and traceroute commands which are described in detail in the links given in the Introduction section of this document.

Components Used

The information in this document is based on these software and hardware versions:

  • Cisco IOS® Software Release 12.2(10b)

  • All Cisco series routers

The information in this document was created from the devices in a specific lab environment. All of the devices used in this document started with a cleared (default) configuration. If your network is live, make sure that you understand the potential impact of any command.



Refer to Cisco Technical Tips Conventions for more information on document conventions.

The ping Command

The ping (Packet InterNet Groper) command is a very common method for troubleshooting the accessibility of devices. It uses two Internet Control Message Protocol (ICMP) query messages, ICMP echo requests, and ICMP echo replies to determine whether a remote host is active. The ping command also measures the amount of time it takes to receive the echo reply.


The ping command first sends an echo request packet to an address, and then it waits for a reply. The ping is successful only if the ECHO REQUEST gets to the destination, and the destination is able to get an ECHO REPLY back to the source of the ping within a predefined time interval.

The Extended ping Command

When a normal ping command is sent from a router, the source address of the ping is the IP address of the interface that the packet uses to exit the router. If an extended ping command is used, the source IP address can be changed to any IP address on the router. The extended ping is used to perform a more advanced check of host reachability and network connectivity. The extended ping command works only at the privileged EXEC command line. The normal ping works both in the user EXEC mode and the privileged EXEC mode. In order to use this feature, enter ping at the command line and press Return. You are prompted for the fields as given in the ping Command Field Descriptions section of this document.

ping Command Field Descriptions

This table lists the ping command field descriptions. These fields can be modified with the use of the extended ping command.

Field Description
Protocol [ip]: Prompts for a supported protocol. Enter appletalk, clns, ip, novell, apollo, vines, decnet, or xns. The default is ip.
Target IP address: Prompts for the IP address or host name of the destination node you plan to ping. If you have specified a supported protocol other than IP, enter an appropriate address for that protocol here. The default is none.
Repeat count [5]: Number of ping packets that are sent to the destination address. The default is 5.
Datagram size [100]: Size of the ping packet (in bytes). Default: 100 bytes.
Timeout in seconds [2]: Timeout interval. Default: 2 (seconds). The ping is declared successful only if the ECHO REPLY packet is received before this time interval.
Extended commands [n]: Specifies whether or not a series of additional commands appears. The default is no.
Source address or interface: The interface or IP address of the router to use as a source address for the probes. The router normally picks the IP address of the outbound interface to use. The interface can also be mentioned, but with the correct syntax as shown here:

Note: This is a partial output of the extended ping command. The interface cannot be written as e0.

Type of service [0]: Specifies the Type of Service (ToS). The requested ToS is placed in each probe, but there is no guarantee that all routers process the ToS. It is the Internet service's quality selection. The default is 0.
Set DF bit in IP header? [no]: Specifies whether or not the Don't Fragment (DF) bit is to be set on the ping packet. If yes is specified, the Don't Fragment option does not allow this packet to be fragmented when it has to go through a segment with a smaller maximum transmission unit (MTU), and you will receive an error message from the device that wanted to fragment the packet. This is useful for determining the smallest MTU in the path to a destination. The default is no.
Validate reply data? [no]: Specifies whether or not to validate the reply data. The default is no.
Data pattern [0xABCD] Specifies the data pattern. Different data patterns are used to troubleshoot framing errors and clocking problems on serial lines. The default is [0xABCD].
Loose, Strict, Record, Timestamp, Verbose[none]: IP header options. This prompt offers more than one option to be selected. They are:
  • Verbose is automatically selected along with any other option.
  • Record is a very useful option because it displays the address(es) of the hops (up to nine) the packet goes through.
  • Loose allows you to influence the path by specifying the address(es) of the hop(s) you want the packet to go through.
  • Strict is used to specify the hop(s) that you want the packet to go through, but no other hop(s) are allowed to be visited.
  • Timestamp is used to measure roundtrip time to particular hosts.
The difference between using the Record option of this command and using the traceroute command is that, the Record option of this command not only informs you of the hops that the echo request (ping) went through to get to the destination, but it also informs you of the hops it visited on the return path. With the traceroute command, you do not get information about the path that the echo reply takes. The traceroute command issues prompts for the required fields. Note that the traceroute command places the requested options in each probe. However, there is no guarantee that all routers (or end nodes) process the options. The default is none.
Sweep range of sizes [n]: Allows you to vary the sizes of the echo packets that are sent. This is used to determine the minimum sizes of the MTUs configured on the nodes along the path to the destination address. Performance problems caused by packet fragmentation is thus reduced. The default is no.
!!!!! Each exclaimation point (!) denotes receipt of a reply. A period (.) denotes that the network server timed out while waiting for a reply. Refer to ping characters for a description of the remaining characters.
Success rate is 100 percent Percentage of packets successfully echoed back to the router. Anything less than 80 percent is usually considered problematic.
round-trip min/avg/max = 1/2/4 ms Round-trip travel time intervals for the protocol echo packets, including minimum/average/maximum (in milliseconds).

In this diagram, Host 1 and Host 2 are unable to ping each other. You can troubleshoot this problem on the routers in order to determine if there is a routing problem, or if one of the two hosts does not have its default gateway correctly set.

In order for the ping from Host 1 to Host 2 to succeed, each host needs to point its default gateway to the router on its respective LAN segment, or the host needs to exchange network information with the routers that use a routing protocol. If either host does not have its default gateway set correctly, or it does not have the correct routes in its routing table, it is not able to send packets to destinations not present in its Address Resolution Protocol (ARP) cache. It is also possible that the hosts cannot ping each other because one of the routers does not have a route to the subnet from which the host is sourcing its ping packets.

Ping Console Browser


This is an example of the extended ping command sourced from the Router A Ethernet 0 interface and destined for the Router B Ethernet interface. If this ping succeeds, it is an indication that there is no routing problem. Router A knows how to get to the Ethernet of Router B, and Router B knows how to get to the Ethernet of Router A. Also both hosts have their default gateways set correctly.

If the extended ping command from Router A fails, it means that there is a routing problem. There could be a routing problem on any of the three routers. Router A could be missing a route to the subnet of Router B's Ethernet, or to the subnet between Router C and Router B. Router B could be missing a route to the subnet of Router A's subnet, or to the subnet between Router C and Router A; and Router C could be missing a route to the subnet of Router A's or Router B's Ethernet segments. You should correct any routing problems, and then Host 1 should try to ping Host 2. If Host 1 still cannot ping Host 2, then both hosts' default gateways should be checked. The connectivity between the Ethernet of Router A and the Ethernet of Router B is checked with the extended ping command.

With a normal ping from Router A to Router B's Ethernet interface, the source address of the ping packet would be the address of the outgoing interface, that is, the address of the serial 0 interface ( When Router B replies to the ping packet, it replies to the source address (that is, This way, only the connectivity between the serial 0 interface of Router A ( and the Ethernet interface of Router B ( is tested.

In order to test the connectivity between Router A Ethernet 0 ( and Router B Ethernet 0 (, use the extended ping command. With extended ping, you get the option to specify the source address of the ping packet, as shown here.

Ping Console Ubuntu

This is an example with extended commands and sweep details:

The traceroute Command

Ping console command csgo

Where ping can be used to verify connectivity between devices, the traceroute command can be used to discover the paths packets take to a remote destination, as well as where routing breaks down.

The purpose behind the traceroute command is to record the source of each ICMP 'time exceeded' message in order to provide a trace of the path the packet took to reach the destination.

The device that executes the traceroute command sends out a sequence of User Datagram Protocol (UDP) datagrams, each with incrementing Time-To-Live (TTL) values, to an invalid port address (Default 33434) at the remote host.

First, three datagrams are sent, each with a TTL field value set to 1. The TTL value of 1 causes the datagram to 'timeout' as soon as it hits the first router in the path. This router then responds with an ICMP 'time exceeded' message which indicates that the datagram has expired.

Next, three more UDP messages are sent, each with the TTL value set to 2. This causes the second router in the path to the destination to return ICMP 'time exceeded' messages.

This process continues until the packets reach the destination and until the system that originates the traceroute receives ICMP 'time exceeded' messages from every router in the path to the destination. Since these datagrams try to access an invalid port (Default 33434) at the destination host, the host responds with ICMP 'port unreachable' messages that indicate an unreachable port. This event signals the traceroute program to finish.

Note: Make sure you have not disabled the ip unreachable command using no ip unreachables under any VLAN. This command makes the packet discard without sending any ICMP error message. In this case, traceroute does not work.

The Extended traceroute Command

The extended traceroute command is a variation of the traceroute command. An extended traceroute command can be used to see what path packets take in order to get to a destination. The command can also be used to check routing at the same time. This is helpful for when you troubleshoot routing loops, or for when you determine where packets are getting lost (if a route is missing, or if packets are being blocked by an Access Control List (ACL) or firewall). You can use the extended ping command in order to determine the type of connectivity problem, and then use the extended traceroute command in order to narrow down where the problem occurs.

A 'time exceeded' error message indicates that an intermediate communication server has seen and discarded the packet. A 'destination unreachable' error message indicates that the destination node has received the probe and discarded it because it could not deliver the packet. If the timer goes off before a response comes in, trace prints an asterisk(*). The command terminates when any of these happens:

  • the destination responds

  • the maximum TTL is exceeded

  • the user interrupts the trace with the escape sequence

    Note: You can invoke this escape sequence when you simultaneously press Ctrl, Shift and 6.

traceroute Command Field Descriptions

This table lists the traceroute command field descriptions:

Field Description
Protocol [ip]: Prompts for a supported protocol. Enter appletalk, clns, ip, novell, apollo, vines, decnet, or xns. The default is ip.
Target IP addres You must enter a host name or an IP address. There is no default.
Source address: The interface or IP address of the router to use as a source address for the probes. The router normally picks the IP address of the outbound interface to use.
Numeric display [n]: The default is to have both a symbolic and numeric display; however, you can suppress the symbolic display.
Timeout in seconds [3]: The number of seconds to wait for a response to a probe packet. The default is 3 seconds.
Probe count [3]: The number of probes to be sent at each TTL level. The default count is 3.
Minimum Time to Live [1]: The TTL value for the first probes. The default is 1, but it can be set to a higher value to suppress the display of known hops.
Maximum Time to Live [30]: The largest TTL value that can be used. The default is 30. The traceroute command terminates when the destination is reached or when this value is reached.
Port Number [33434]: The destination port used by the UDP probe messages. The default is 33434.
Loose, Strict, Record, Timestamp, Verbose[none]: IP header options. You can specify any combination. The traceroute command issues prompts for the required fields. Note that the traceroute command will place the requested options in each probe; however, there is no guarantee that all routers (or end nodes) will process the options.

Ping Console Networking


Ping Console Command Csgo

Note: The extended traceroute command can be executed in the privileged EXEC mode only, whereas the normal traceroute command works on both the user and privileged EXEC modes.

Pong Video Console

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